Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Ecotones Sleep Sound Machine

Sleeping doesn’t always come naturally to all of us as well as it does the rest of the world.  For those of you that just can’t seem to shut down, you could probably use a little help.  You may have already gone as far as to try pills and now know the side effects that get involved with all of that.  Instead of going that route you could pick up the Ecotones Duet Sleep Sound Machine.  It’ll help you get some sleep without paying for pills.

It offers 10 natural sound recordings that attempt to seem as realistic and natural in your sleep environment as possible.  Although they don’t state what all of those recordings include.  It also offers 3 richness settings that’ll control a broad range of additional sounds.  It also has a sleep timer and adaptive as well as manual operating modes.  You can purchase this one in black for $111.66 through Amazon.
Source: GadgetGrid

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